Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Too much?

With my background in Plumbing it comes as no surprise that I have been thinking about the worlds population and the amount of human waste generated by the worlds human population.
And I have derived at these amazing facts:
The average person's feces per day are around 85 grams in weight.
Multiply that by the 6 Billion people gives a figure of 5.1 million tonnes of human waste every day.
1.8 billion tonnes per year !
And to make it sound worse; if you take the fact that perhaps a third of the human population use a WC to relieve their bowels in and that this WC uses water - then the other astounding fact is amount of water wasted each day.
Allow 2 billion x 6 liters per person per flush (once a day) = 12 billion liters of fresh water per day are flushed down the drain.
The sewerage then has to be treated and disposed of ?
The fresh water to flush these WC's needs to be collected and pumped.
Is it me or are we doing something crazy?

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