All this furor about the new Carbon Tax- how it will add to the cost of living, etc.
Well, I'm sorry but it doesn't go far enough, or maybe not just this tax, but the whole environment thing?
What ever -or whoever is in government needs to take the hard line, we need to take action now -not tomorrow, or next year. Now.
We need to stop encouraging people having children.
Take away child care for those with more than 2 children.
Stop encouraging single young mothers.
Put a tax on couples who have more than 2 children.
Stop advertising - we don't need it.
Make recycling compulsorily, every thing from old mobile phones, TVs, computers, bottles, -everything. None of this stuff should be trashed.
We are the lucky one's here in Australia, but I worry that this will soon change.
We need to stop or lessen immigration to a low level.
Help the refugees - but only the true refugees.
We need to accept the fact that we can live with less - less of everything.
We don't need the great new house, with 2 hand basins in the same bathroom.
I grew-up in a simple 3 bedroom home, like I'm sure so many other people did - so why do we need all this stuff -? I had a happy childhood.
We are consuming more that this planet can sustain.
20% of the world consumes 80% of the worlds energy. And we are part of that 20 %
Australia is the highest energy user per capita.
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