Friday, October 8, 2010


An Article by Ross Gittins highlights what I have suspected for a long time.
The average person is getting fat.
While I lived in England I was constantly amazed at just how many over-weight people there were. I thought it was a English thing - and then I came home to Oz.

Read the article here:
Interesting how the over -weight population will provide a break to our economy, as their early demise will relieve any strain on health-care and associated services.

And what the two authors, Egger and Swinburn say about the "sweet-spot" which we have passed.
Bear that in mind with Peak Oil which we have passed also and things could be grim.
But hey - lets just go buy another house, or a car, or some shoes. Put it on debt.

It would seem that the discovery of oil could be seen as the demise of man as it was about this time that the human population started to increase and development of producing food took on a serious side.
Prior to the discovery of oil, food was produced more like a cottage industry instead of todays mass, high tech, pest free production.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Anybody - can anybody tell me why did our illustrious leader - Barge-Arse, and her side kick Tony Buck ears, see the need to go flying off half way around the world?
Like you can just imagine now the world leaders just pacing up and down waiting for them to arrive eh?
What possess these people to think it makes a difference?
People dieing in Pakistan, refugees banging on the door, salty water flowing down the Murray and they fly off to meet some snail munching tossa and discuss the price of cheese ?
And we all feel so much better now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Death of the PC

I see on this weeks news, articles professing to claim within 5 years we will see the PC disappear?
Apparently we will all be using our mobile phones to do what we do on a PC!
What a load of rubbish
Yeah like I'll pull up a spreadsheet on  my phone - yeah right - and its oh so easy to see?
Where do these people come from?
What world are they living in?
While those of us who use our PC's for work are enjoying large flat screen monitors -there are wankers out there who are thinking we will all like to use our mobile phones instead?
Can you believe it?
I hate using my mobile phone at the best of times - and thats just for phoning people - why, why would I want to use it to write an email or use MYOB on?
Dead set - this world is populated with more and more wankers.

Friday, October 1, 2010


If I were able to I would actively discourage people from having more than say one or two children.
I would penalize couples who had more than 2 children - make their tax rate higher, remove child endowment.
As for single mothers - I would actively remove all support from these people - in fact I would fine them.
We need to face facts and realize there is simply too many people in this world.
Its not good enough to expect people in 3rd world countries to toe the line and stop reproducing - we must all actively reduce our populations.
And stuff the economists and business people who all say we need population to thrive.
Most of us in the western world live beyond our means and this cannot continue - its time to face facts.
Its like the WWF, it has been said that if the WWF spent their entire budget on condoms  the result would be more beneficial to the worlds animal life! Less people = happier & healthier animals.